How to Legally Change Name in Aadhar card ?

Legal Process to Name Change in Aadhaar card
At present, you cannot Name Change In Aadhar card online. If you want to remove your old name from your Aadhar card and put in a new name. Then you should have an ID proof of your new name. If you do not have any ID proof of your new name. Then for this, first of all you have to get your new name published from the Gazette Notification Publication Department of India. Which will be the authorised legal document of your new name. After that you can go to your nearest Aadhar card centre and get your new name updated in your Aadhar card by showing the gazette of your new name.
What is the Gazette of India Notification?
Gazette of India is a Government Notification Publication Department. Through which official notifications are published. Notifications in the Gazette of India are published by the Publication Department. This is the authorised legal document of the Government of India. Which will be a legal proof of your name change. After which you can also download the gazette of your name change online. By visiting the Gazette of India website (
How to name change in the Gazette notification?
Name Change in Gazette notification is a legal process. For which you have to complete some legal procedures. To publish the new name in the Gazette, you have to do some procedures.
- First of all, you have to prepare an affidavit of name change. In which you have to tell the reason for your new name change. And you have to tell your old and new name as well.
- After the affidavit is ready, you have to publish an advertisement of your name change in the newspaper. Which will come in your local newspaper. Which will be a kind of public announcement of your name change.
- Prepare a file by collecting the affidavit, copy of advertisement in the newspaper and other documents like Aadhar card, passport, and other ID proof together. After which you have to submit that file in the office of the Gazette of India. To submit the file, you can submit the file by post/courier or by visiting the office yourself.
How to update a new name in an Aadhaar card?
To start the process of Name Change, you have to go to the Aadhaar Seva Kendra or Aadhaar Enrollment Center. You can check your nearest Aadhaar centre by visiting the UIDAI website. To change the name in the Aadhaar card, you have to follow the process given below.
- Fill the Aadhaar name change form: Take the form from the Aadhaar centre and fill the required information correctly.
- Documents required for name change: You can fill your new name in the form by showing the gazette notification of your name change. And submit the remaining required documents.
- Aadhaar Name Change Fee: You will have to pay a fee of Rs 50 for name change at Aadhaar centre.
- Biometric Process: Your biometric verification will be done. In which your fingerprints and iris will be scanned.
- Get Slip: After all the process is done, you will get a Unique Request Number (URN) along with an acknowledgement slip from the Aadhaar centre.
This process of name change in Aadhaar card may take time to complete. You can update your Aadhaar by using the URN on the UIDAI website.
When your name is changed in the gazette notification, it will be valid everywhere forever. You can update your name on your Aadhaar card through gazette notification. For which you can go to your nearest Aadhaar card centre. Aadhaar card centres are present everywhere in your nearest place. But the Gazette Office of India is located in Civil Line, Delhi in the whole of India. For which you will have to post the file to Delhi or you will have to go and submit it yourself. In which people have to face a lot of difficulty. You can contact online gazette name change service consultants for gazette notification.
Online Gazette Name Change Service consultant in Delhi
Changing the name through Gazette Notification is a big process. And the gazette offices all over India are in Delhi. Due to which people from states far away from Delhi face difficulty in changing their name. Looking at these difficulties, now online gazette name change service consultation is coming. Which makes the process of changing the name in the gazette notification very easy. You can change the name in the gazette notification with their online name change service. There is no need for any kind of hurry or rush for this . You just have to contact the name change service consultant. And you have to send the required documents for the name change. And in the online name change service, your affidavit, newspaper advertisement, submitting the file in the gazette office and all other processes will be done through online service. Using the online name change service is a very good way to change the name in the gazette notification.