What is The Name Change Process in India ?

Know About the Legal Process of Name Change in India
If you do not like your name or there is a mistake in your name in any document. And if there is any other problem like this, then there is only one process to fix all these. Which is called the Name Change Process. In which you can make any change in your name. Like- changing your surname, correcting the wrong word or changing the full name. You can make all these changes in your name.
How to do the process of changing the name?
When any person wants to change his name. So he first changes the name in his documents. But when you go to change your name in the documents, then you should have your new name which you want to make in all your documents. You should have any ID proof or any document of that new name. If there is no proof of the new name, then the gazette will be asked for a name change. Due to which your name changes in all the documents. And only your new name is valid in your documents.
What is the Gazette name change?
Gazette is a legal document. It is a public magazine published by the Government of India. Which is published weekly by the Publications Division of the Office of the Ministry of Home Affairs. And is printed by the Press Department of the Government of India. This magazine is a legal and official document. Publishing the name change in it becomes a legal and official proof of the new name. Which is valid and accepted everywhere.
How to change names in Gazette?
Changing the name in the gazette is a legal process. Which has some steps. By completing which the gazette name change can be obtained. In which you will need some necessary documents related to the process. Complete the gazette name change process step by step.
Legal requirements of the gazette name change process
Affidavit – First of all prepare an affidavit for your name change. In which you have to tell about your old and new name.
Newspaper – Get your name change advertisement published in your local newspaper. Which is also a public announcement of your name change.
CD – The material prepared in the affidavit has to be prepared in MS Word and prepared in digital format in CD.
Payment of fee – You have to make the payment to continue the process. And keep the receipt safe.
Filling the application – A file has to be prepared by collecting copies of newspaper, affidavit, CD, fee receipt and other required documents. And apply for name change in gazette notification. And the application has to be submitted along with the file to the gazette office by post/courier or by going in person.
Gazette notification – When your application is accepted, the gazette notification is published. In which the legal and official announcement of your new name will be made. You can also download the gazette name change of your name from the online website (https://egazette.gov.in). Which you have to download and print. And wherever you want to register your new name, if you show this gazette name change of your new name, then your name will be accepted everywhere. If you do not have enough time to complete this process. So you can also complete this process through an online name change service. Which is provided by a name change service provider.
Online Name Change Service Provider
Online name change service which is a better solution for those people who do not have time to complete the gazette name change process due to their busy life. This online name change service is quite economical and reliable. It also takes less time. There is no need to go anywhere. All the work is done sitting at home. To start this process, just contact the online name change service provider. And tell them your problem. They will do the rest of the process for you, in which you just have to send the documents related to the process. Which you can send through WhatsApp or email. This online service changes the name all over India. Even if you are from any corner of India. You can change your name through an online name change service.
Update Documents – After the gazette notification, you have to update your new name in all your official documents. When you visit the official document centres, you will be asked for the proof of the new name that you want to enter in the official documents. Then your name will be updated easily by showing the gazette name change and the new change will be made in the official documents. Like Aadhar Card, Passport, Driving License, PAN Card and other documents. When you update your new name in all the documents, your identity will be known by your new name only.
If you want to change the name in official documents, then you can read our other blogs. Which will help you to change the name in your official documents.
Other Blog's
Most frequent questions and answers
Yes, changing the name in the Gazette of India is a legal process. In this, your name is changed only after completing the legal process. And it is a public magazine by the Government of India. In which official decisions, new rules and laws and other official notifications are published by the government.
To change your name in the Gazette - You have to prepare a file with your name change affidavit, new paper, CD and some of your identity proof and apply for name change in the Gazette and submit the file to the Gazette office. After the application is accepted, the name change will be published in the Gazette.
Yes, for official and government work, changing the name in the gazette is sufficient. However, it is also valid for non-government work. Changing your name in the gazette notification will be a legal and official proof of your name which is valid and accepted everywhere.